July 28, 2021.

Hello map lovers!

We’re in the initial stages of planning the Atlas of Design Volume 6… and we have a new “we” to pull it together. To introduce ourselves:

Nat Case: I’m continuing as editor from volume 5 (being the institutional memory when I sometimes have trouble finding my keys is a little daunting, but so be it). I live and work in Minneapolis, where my wife and I run INCase, LLC to contain my cartographic work and her writing and editing. I’ve been making maps professionally for more than 30 years, and my experience of volume 5 was just sitting in awe at all the amazing work.

Tracy Tien: I’m the spatial data specialist at Smith College’s Spatial Analysis Lab, where I teach and do research with GIS across the curriculum. I’m excited to be inspired by the deliberations that go into cartographic practices, ingenious ways of addressing design challenges, and any nuances in mapmaking brought forth by the pandemic.

Aaron Koelker: I’m a GIS specialist with the Florida Dept of Environmental Protection, where I get to dabble and assist with all sorts of mappy related things. When not designing maps, you can find me taking pictures or building things out of wood. I am excited to be a part of the Atlas of Design Volume 6 editing team and looking forward to assembling a new volume that both teaches and inspires its readers.

Josh Ryan: I’m a Senior Front-end Developer for the San Antonio Spurs. While most of my time is spent thinking about basketball and ways to visualize it, I still get time here and there to be with my first love: maps.

We’ll be putting out a call for submissions in the fall with more details but here’s what we are thinking: design is in large part about making something to be used. How does any map’s design work towards that use? Good design has an “aesthetic” component, certainly, and the Atlas has showcased the beauty of great map design, but how does that beauty relate to the map’s function? When does beauty not just work hand in hand with, but support map use? Think about it, and think about what map or maps you might want to submit. We’ll be saying more soon!