Atlas of Design editors serve for exactly two volumes. As we reach the end of Volume II, we are looking at a major transition of the team in the upcoming months.
Daniel Huffman, one of the founders of the Atlas with Tim Wallace, will be stepping down from his duties as Editor after an incredibly successful term. From early on Daniel took on many responsibilities, from initial concept to final publication to distribution (he personally sends every book that goes to Canada, mind you). He has laid an impressive foundation for the team, and has set a high standard for future volumes. His personal story and farewell can be read on his blog.
With Daniel stepping down, we’re happy to have Marty Elmer, previously Assistant Editor, join Sam Matthews as Co-Editor! Marty was essential in the creation of Volume II and we look forward to having him play a larger role in the upcoming volumes.
Finally, with much excitement, we are happy to introduce our newest member and Assistant Editor to the Atlas of Design, Ginny Mason! Ginny works at National Geographic as a Senior Graphics Editor. She will help support the Editors and be a big part of Volume III, which will start ramping up near the end of the year. We are incredibly grateful to have her expertise. You can follow her on Twitter @masonginny.
Welcome to the team, Ginny! Applause to you, Marty! Farewell and thank you, Daniel!